4 Ways to Remove Germs & Bacteria from a Room

window cleaning services

Dirt, dust, cobwebs, stains & spills are trapped into some specific areas of our room such as windows, carpets, upholstery, floors, etc. These trapped stains and impurities make the room environment dirty and unorganised. They also spread germs and bacteria. To keep the room clean and fresh, proper cleaning is essential. In this blog, we are going to discuss 4 ways to keep your room clean and sanitised.

Vacuum the carpet: 
Over time dust, dirt, Allergens, pollen & other impurities are deeply trapped into the residential carpets and rugs. These impurities and dust make the room environment dirty. To keep dust and dirt away from the carpet, you have to consider vacuum cleaning. This is one of the common & popular carpet cleaning techniques that is widely preferred by many homeowners. Vacuum cleaning helps to take out the surface dust & loose dirt. Vacuum cleaning is a regular cleaning process recommended by the cleaning experts. 

Cleaning the windows:
Like carpets, dust, dirt, outside elements, pollen & allergens are trapped into the window glasses, frames & blinds. These impurities make the room environment dirty. To restore back the original beauty of your windows, proper window washing is necessary. Proper window cleaning does not only clean the windows but it also keeps the room environment fresh. You can avail window cleaning services in Perth. professionals offer a full range of advanced and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to keep your windows clean.

Clean the upholstery:
It is common to see upholstered furniture covered by stains, spills, deep dirt, dust, etc. Stains like tea, coffee, alcohol, blood & pet’s urine create black spots on the upholstery fabric. To bring back the original beauty of the upholstered furniture, steam cleaning is necessary. Steam washing is also known as a hot water extraction method. It is an eco-friendly cleaning process that is used for both commercial and residential cleaning purposes. Steam cleaning is highly recommended by professionals. They claim steam cleaning can kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria inside upholstery fabrics. It keeps the fabrics fresh and clean.

Mop the floor:
Floor mopping is one of the essential cleaning techniques that you should consider for the home. It helps to remove germs and bacteria from the dirty floor. To clean the house floor, you may call the experts. They use advanced cleaning solutions that help to keep the floor sanitised and dirt free. They also use advanced moppers for this purpose. Floor mopping also helps to keep the room environment fresh. 

Proper cleaning and maintenance help to keep the room clean and sanitised. Eco-friendly cleaners improve the room air quality and keep the room fresh. 

How Do the Professionals Strip Paint from the Wooden Furniture?

French Polishing

The three common ways for removing the paints from the furniture are chemical stripping, using a heat gun, and finally using the power-sanding disk. But before the professional strippers in Hobart strip out the entire paint from the furniture to apply the new one, they follow certain rules and procedures.

i. Lead Testing
Before beginning with stripping at their workshop in Hobart, the professional strippers ensure there is no lead coating on the furniture. Stripping the lead coating is sure to result in lead-laced dust that is toxic if inhaled. So they make a tiny cut on the furniture’s surface using a utility knife for exposing its layers and then wipe out the groove using a 3M leach check swab. Lead is detected when the swan turns red. Next, they renovate and repair the lead with paint as certified by the Environmental Protection Laws.

ii. Getting the Work Area Prepared
At their workshop, they create a workspace that is well ventilated. Then on top of the 6mm plastic sheeting, the furniture is placed, and then it is extended to a few feet in every direction for shielding the ground or the floor from any likely seepage. Then they remove the hardware and the other parts, which are not to be stripped which include the pulls and knobs. Often if they are too tough to remove then the professionals, cover them using blue painted tapes.

iii. Gearing Up
The chemicals with the pain dissolving powers are handled carefully least they touch the skin, so they wear long-sleeve shirts, long pants, and boots for self-protection. They also use the safety goggles and the fume respirators. Also, they make sure to put on nitrile work gloves before they set on to strip.

iv. Scraping Away
The professionals never choose the products, which contain methylene chloride since it creates noxious vapors, which cause coughing, nausea, and dizziness. They abide by the safer options, which include the Zip-strip paint strippers or the methylene chloride-free versions, and swap the chemicals in like benzyl alcohol, dibasic esters, and N-methyl-pyrrolidone apart. They start by applying the strippers at one section at a time and wait for 15 to 30 minutes to bubble. Next, it is scraped off carefully. A putty knife is used for the flat and rounded areas while extra-course steel wood is used for avoiding gouging the wood that is little softened with a stripper. They go on lifting as much as of the goop they can while discarding them in the cardboard box and continue repeating till almost the entire paint is gone.

v. Cleaning the Space
After that, they sand the furniture gently for clearing out all the nook and cranny and for smoothening the wood surface. The strippers help in raising the wood grain. The cardboard box contents are doused with water, and while they become highly flammable, they are disposed of outside, as stated by the municipality. Water is then mist over the plastic sheeting and folded inward thus covering the dirty side before they are trashed well. Then they deep clean the room to get rid of the left behind debris, so they use the Vacuum with HEPA filter to clean the entire work area, and the surfaces are wiped down using the regular cleaners.

vi. Finishing it Off
At last, the furniture is free from its old and outdated coating. Now it can be newly painted and sealed for preserving the wood’s color and integrity over time.

Once you find your old furniture is losing out its luster, then it is time for stripping of its old paint. So, it is time for giving it a new paint. So, consult the professionals to strip off the paint, and to redo with new paint coats.