Tips On Improving Hot Water Efficiency At Home

Washing hands or dishes, doing laundry or taking a hot shower are ultimately done when your hot water system is well functioning and efficient. Heating water has been found to account for 20% of the average energy budget for a household on an average. In this discussion, we have made a list of some tips on improving hot water system efficiency so you can keep the energy consumption of your water heater as low as possible.

These are the tips shared by the hot water specialists for the homeowners in Perth.

1.Limiting the Hot Water Usage
The first and obvious solution for improving your water heater’s efficiency is restricting the overuse of hot water. Choose quicker showers, colder laundry loads and efficiently loaded dishwasher cycles to encounter some better savings.

2.Installation of Efficient Shower-Heads and Faucet Attachments
Replacing the current plumbing fixtures with some more efficient alternatives is another remarkable way of reducing the hot water amount. The low-flow fixtures are much more effective at reducing the gallons per minute ending up as unnecessary wastewater. Faucet aerators and showerheads are easy and affordable to replace. The energy consumption difference is well worth its minor expense.

3.Lowering the Hot Water System Temperature
Another effective step that can be taken is lowering the water heater thermostat’s temperature. Commonly, hot water heaters are installed with a temperature set to 140 degrees. But this is an unnecessarily high setting.
But if you lower the setting to 120 degrees, then it will reduce the water heater’s energy usage from 6%-10%.

Every water heater are having a built-in thermostat, but there are some that have thermostats that do not show actual temperature settings. Rather, they are having fewer and simpler settings such as “warm”, “hot” etc. If it is the case, then the safer and more efficient option is “warm”.

4.Insulating Water Pipes
A water heater can be prevented from working harder than actually needed, insulating it. Insulating the hot water pipes as well as the cold water pipes running through the house’s exposed areas reduces the unwanted heat loss. Once you have completed the research, then insulating pipes become fairly simple by the needed measurements.
Even the water tank itself can be insulated with a water heater insulation blanket kit. It might be unnecessary if you are having a newer water heater as generally, they are featuring built-in insulation.

5.Draining the Tank
Another way for making the water heater function with additional efficiency is by flushing out the water. Typically, the manufacturers recommend getting it done twice a year. But make sure to consult the owner’s manual before you flush out water. After disconnecting the energy source, then close the water supply valve. Next, attach the hose to the drain valve running somewhere outside the home, similar to a storm drain or a large five-gallon bucket.

6.Investing In A Tankless Water Heater
A water heater’s tank should be flushed out for preventing the calcified mineral sediment inside. This problem can be avoided by purchasing a new tankless water heater. The tankless water heaters get turned on when hot water is running through them and get shut off when hot water is no more needed. This is the most efficient option available.

Greater efficiency is the finest way for saving money. The tips we have discussed here are money-saving. These cost-effective and reliable tips will better help you to save time for the rest of the year. Improving water efficiency is the key to using the water heater in such a way that all the needs are met, and money is saved at the same time.

Tips to Secure Your Sliding Glass Doors

Glass sliding doors are both stylish and functional, allowing plenty of light into your home. Just because of these advantages, it is a popular option among many individuals. Glass sliding doors, on the other hand, provide several opportunities for burglars to gain access to your home. It is critical to safeguard your property from all angles. Glass sliding doors should not become the Achilles heel to your overall home security. Securing glass doors, on the other hand, is a lot easier than you may imagine. When you look at homes in Dublin with glass sliding door, you will witness they are protected with additional layers of protection done by an experienced locksmith. Let’s look at some of those smart solutions:

1.Reinforced Glass:
How to protect your vicinity safe from intruders, when you have sliding glass doors? If this question is keeping you awake at night, then no need to lose night sleep anymore. When you’re choosing a glass to adorn your glass sliding door, try to select a tempered or double-paned toughened glass. This glass type is almost two hundred times more resistant to impact when compared to the normal annealed glass.

2.Install a tougher lock:
For a lock, you can consider installing a one or a two-bolt locking system this will lock your glass sliding door. Opt for a steel bolt to fasten the place instead. These are commercial-grade locks, a good locksmith in Dun Laoghaire can hook you up with these higher quality locks. Your sliding doors will be impenetrable owing to tougher locks and frosted double-paned tempered glass.

3.Install a lock bar:
A locking bar is a sturdy metal or wooden dowel that may be trimmed to size and installed in your sliding door track. Coupled with a tougher lock, a lock bar can ensure higher grade protection. A locking bar is commonly used in commercial places like stores and malls etc. It is utilized to prevent any intrusion attempt. In Dublin, a locksmith who can install a lock bar can easily be found.

4.Burglar Alarm:
Even after all these additional layers of protection, if you still feel insecure about the security of your premises. Then making rounds to the locksmith in Dublin won’t satisfy you. Try to consult a good alarm company to either install or upgrade your burglar alarm.

These tips we hope have given you clarity regarding ways to tighten the security of glass sliding doors. Above all this, it is important to mention, that if you are lacking confidence about your home security, alone protecting the glass sliding door and just a locksmith in Dublin can’t do it all. Try to amp up the overall security of your premises.