How Does Augmented Reality and Video Surveillance Work Together

The Working-Together Principle of Augmented Reality and Video Surveillance

Daydreaming gave way to creativity, which then led to the current situation where some “what if?” ideas are being realised. Industries are beginning to reap the rewards of combining augmented reality (AR) with their video monitoring.

It’s a good time to assess the advancements made thus far as well as the potential for the future as we move closer to our vision of building “a smarter, safer world” since the additional use cases are going high with more AR applications rising in market demand.

AR In Modern Video Surveillance Systems

Modern network video surveillance systems give operators incredibly high-quality images, which are valuable in and of themselves. Operators can monitor and assess events, respond in real-time to incidents and activities, and inform first responders as necessary with live views of a scene in forensic levels of detail.

There are obvious advantages to having additional information superimposed on the scene in scenarios where operators are then directing first responders on the ground. To help with exact directions, some video surveillance systems have an orientation tool that may overlay street names and compass points on live video footage.  

However, many additional helpful bits of information can be conveyed using AR overlay when mere seconds can make a difference. For example, knowing where the closest defibrillator is and being able to direct individuals on the scene via live audio could save lives.

It can speed up building evacuation or the discovery of persons who are trapped within by providing first responders with information about building layouts, entrances, and emergency exits, whether remotely from the operations room or else locally via registered mobile devices. The likelihood of an event escalating can be decreased by safely dispersing crowds through the most efficient pathways; once more, this can be managed remotely from the control centre with information superimposed on real-time video monitors, or locally when supplied on mobile devices.

Introducing New Use Cases

The tremendous development made in this area so far has made it possible to integrate augmented reality with video surveillance in brand-new ways. For instance, in some areas, live video is already giving emergency services, like firefighters, crucial insights. PTZ video surveillance systems on board the fire truck can be oriented directly towards the fire while it is en way, streaming live footage to the firemen as they gear up. This makes it more likely that humans are within the structure and are somewhere they might be.

In the future, a police officer would be able to examine video with information overlayed utilising data compiled from sensors like body-worn cameras, mounted security cameras, and even mobile phone location data. To hasten the search for someone in need, the text might be superimposed on the video to point the officer in the direction of a cell phone that was used to make the initial contact with emergency services. It is also not out of the question to imagine that medical personnel and paramedics may utilise augmented reality to help individuals at the scene of an accident and support them, or that a live feed of surveillance from the scene could help them make necessary preparations while travelling.

Additional To Emergency Services

The aforementioned use cases are some of the most convincing instances in which augmented reality may significantly improve public safety, but examples in other fields are also starting to emerge.
Using connected sensors, such as video surveillance, temperature, air quality sensors, and smoke detectors, personnel in an industrial plant, for instance, can receive data that enables them to respond to problems more quickly while also having a clear and live view of the scene.
Beyond this, alerts for unexpected temperature changes, perimeter breaches, and certain sounds (such as rising voices) may bring live footage to monitors and map directions for the quickest way to the area, as well as the locations of fire extinguishers and alarms. In the event of an intruder break-in, video surveillance cameras following the burglar may even leave a trail of “breadcrumbs” for security personnel to follow. There are countless possible applications.

AR and video surveillance: When should we use them? Many businesses are already utilising AR’s advantages in their monitoring systems. With more applications continuously emerging, AR technology is enhancing current video streams in several ways, from manufacturing to retail to city-wide surveillance. There isn’t much, if anything, technological, to prevent the further development of the solutions mentioned above. The potential of this technology to build a better, safer world is only limited by our imagination.

What Do The Car Mechanics Have To Say About the Early Transmission Failure Signs?

A Guide From Car Mechanics: What Are the Early Transmission Failure Signs?

The severity and expense of repairs for automotive gearbox issues can range widely. Fluid replacement could be the only thing needed, or else a reconstruction worth $5000.

Minor gearbox repairs include adjusting the throttle cable, fixing broken solenoids, resealing for leaks, and replacing parts. It takes disassembly, inspection, cleaning, and rebuilding to repair a major gearbox. It requires a lot of labour and is very expensive.

Fortunately, gearbox failure rarely occurs without prior notice. There are several indicators that your gearbox is about to fail.

Here are 10 gearbox signs you should be aware of, which the car mechanics share for every car owner of Mooroolbark. 

1. Strange Smells

Strange scents abound on the road, but if any of them seem to be coming from your engine, take notice. A burning scent is a solid clue that something isn’t working properly. Transmission fluid overheats and begins to burn as it becomes depleted or deteriorates. Your engine will run hot as a result, which will cause corrosion, extra debris, and early wear. Other burning odour sources are the entrapped plastics, pouring antifreeze, and melting heater cores. No matter what the cause, you should always have a burning smell investigated.

2. Unusual Noises

There are always clunking noises when a car breaks down in films, whether it’s a flat tyre or a bad starter. The films weren’t lying in this instance. Strange sounds indicate transmission issues. Don’t dismiss sudden changes in the music playing while you drive with a dismissive “Well, that’s new.” Noises like clunking, buzzing, or whining are indicators of automatic gearbox issues. Additionally, the malfunctioning manual transmissions emit loud and mechanical noises which seem coming out of nowhere. When you shift gears, then a clunking sound comes out meaning there is a problem with the gearbox. Have a car mechanic examine it.

3. Commotion

An issue might also be indicated by excessive noise. An engine check is necessary if your car makes a loud, banging noise while in neutral. The answer is typically quite straightforward. It could be a fluid issue. Another possibility is that the incorrect fluid type was utilised, and it isn’t working. On the other side, it can be an issue with your gear teeth or bearings, which might need to be replaced.

4. The Check Engine Lamp

Be careful from being ignorant of a persistent check engine light. When you find the red or blinking light, then remember the sensors might have tripped the warning systems all around the car. Something so insignificant as the loose gas cap can trigger it. When the gearbox sensors activate the check engine lights, the sign is indeed alarming. Only a quick diagnostic scan can bring peace of mind. So, consult a mechanic soon.

5. No Reaction

A working gearbox will automatically shift into the appropriate gear. Something is amiss with your car if it hesitates or doesn’t respond, and the gearbox is frequently to blame. In a manual gearbox car, this delayed shifting is accompanied by an increase in RPM and an untimely engine noise. To be certain, you will have to bring it to the car mechanics for service. It might simply be your clutch.

6. Fluid Leak

Your car contains six primary fluids. These fluids lubricate, cool and assist in steering, braking and windscreen clearing. If the fluids are not replenished, then the engine will fail to function and either leak or break down. The red colour and pleasant scent of an automatic gearbox fuel leak make it simple to locate. If it’s past its prime, it may also develop a deeper colour and a toasty scent.

If the idd fluids are seen on the driveway, then check for a leak by yourself. Drive briefly to warm up the engine, and then check the gearbox dipstick. The stock consists of an indentation for indicating the correct fluid level. There is a leak if your gearbox fluid level is low. Unlike motor oil, it does not burn out. You can top it off to get by, but you’ll likely need to have the gearbox re-sealed later. 

7. Clutch Drag

A dragging clutch is an indication of trouble for manual transmission vehicles even though it’s not a problem for automatic transmissions. The clutch disc struggles at disengaging when the clutch pedal is extremely slack, causing the clutch spinning.  It is not possible to shift gears because the clutch cannot transfer engine power to the drive train. In addition to hearing a grinding sound, you will also experience clutch drag.

8. Shaking

If your car is rattling while shifting into a different gear, then there is an issue. Normal transmissions often shift smoothly and unnoticeably. You have no business bouncing down the motorway. Ignoring might be simple at first, but with time it is sure to worsen. As the jerkiness increases gradually, then you are sure to become complacent till the gears break. Your clutch may need to be replaced or modified when driving a manual.

9. Refuses to Engage Gear

Maybe your car just flat-out won’t shift into gear. Now and then, we all require a break. It frequently involves fluids. There could be an issue with the clutch linkage or the shift cables if the fluids are clean and full. Possibly you might blame the computer system in your car. But this can be quickly fixed. When the battery is reconnected after disconnecting for 30 minutes, the computer restarts.

10. Slipping Gears

Typically, a vehicle uses outside input for guiding gear changes. The driver makes every gear shift in a manual transmission. When using an automatic gearbox, the driver can select either drive, neutral or reverse. If the car shifts gears without you being involved in it, then it is hazardous to you and a threat to the engine. Gear sliding is the result of transmission band wear and low fluid levels.

Keep an eye out for these transmission symptoms. Get your automobile checked out if any of these gearbox symptoms are present. If something probably feels off, then it indeed feels off. Ignoring odd sounds, scents, or temperaments could end up costing you later.

Why Should You Upgrade The CCTV Cameras Right Now?

Remember to Upgrade the CCTV Cameras On Time!

Since technology has improved dramatically over the past ten years, making today’s cameras more sophisticated and accessible, it’s time to think about replacing your CCTV cameras. The numerous advantages of contemporary home security and commercial CCTV can be missed if you continue to use antiquated security systems.

Read on to learn the 5 main reasons why updating your home or business security monitoring every five years is advised for maximum security, as well as where to locate professional security camera installation.

Top Reasons To Update Your Security Systems

Utilize Cutting-Edge Technology

Every 18 months, computing power doubles, necessitating a five-year upgrade of your CCTV security systems for homes or businesses. By that time, prices had decreased and technology had advanced by more than 300%.

It makes sense to upgrade to the more sophisticated technology that is vastly superior to your existing setup because it will inevitably become old in a short period.

Enhance The Security Of Your Properties

Your home’s defence against burglary, trespassing, and other criminal activities can be considerably improved by upgrading your security system monitoring. Additionally, it offers a more potent camera with night vision capabilities that can detect movement even in dimly lit locations, giving it greater access to both inside and outside spaces.

Furthermore, modernizing your home and business CCTV systems with help from the security service personnel in Perth can address any blind spots in the current arrangement, removing any vulnerabilities to secure your property completely without causing system disruption.

A Camera That Works Better 

The calibre of your cameras determines how well your home or business security systems work. Your camera is the central component of your security system, and updating it offers a host of advantages like improved visibility and recording capabilities.

Modern security cameras for homes and businesses come with cutting-edge capabilities like night vision and infrared technology. Burglars and other nefarious actions might be greatly discouraged with a dependable and high-quality CCTV camera.

Keep Up With Contemporary Technology

It can be difficult to access, download, and copy files, discover appropriate hardware for residential alarm systems, and other problems when your existing residential alarm systems or security solutions in Perth are no longer compatible with other devices.

It is preferable to replace slow, outdated systems and frequently upgrade your commercial and domestic CCTV security systems to avoid these problems.

Future Expensive Repairs Can Be Avoided

Hardware can develop flaws over time and finally break, necessitating expensive repairs. To prevent this, think about routinely upgrading your home security monitoring and business security systems before they deteriorate.

Installing security cameras early gives you the chance to upgrade and sell or store spare parts. A sound security strategy does not include waiting until the system is entirely unusable. Always keep your home security system in top shape so that it is ready to go when you need it.

Expert Surveillance Of Security Systems

You may establish quick contact between your house or company security and your security supplier by installing high-quality residential security cameras or commercial monitoring security systems.

Assuming you have hired security guards at your business premises for security reasons, this step is indeed praiseworthy. But how sure can you be that they shall have their eyes on every corner? They are human beings too, that is CCTV systems have come to force. Why let the circumstances be in the hands of mercy?   Better to act wise by installing and upgrading the CCTV systems set up on time.  

4 Tips To Choose The Right Foam For Your Upholstery Project

How To Select The Right Foam For Your Upholstery Project?

Selecting the right seating foam for any upholstery project is sometimes based on personal preference or else specific requirements. Since there is a wide range of foam available in the market, it might seem difficult for anyone to choose the correct foam for any valuable upholstery project. To achieve the most desired and luxurious feel there is some notable factor that you need to keep in your mind before choosing the right foam. Let’s have a look at it-


Comfort is the first and most important thing that everyone looks for while selecting the foam for any upholstery project. One can experience more comfort if the foam is perfectly soft. There is no doubt that Dunlop foam in Northern Beaches is an excellent choice to add more comfort to your seating furniture. On this note, you can also go for a ‘sit test’ to understand the specific foam’s comfort.


If you want to get something for your upholstery project that is going to stand the test of time then pay some extra attention to foam’s density. The foam density is nothing but to make it more resilient. If the foam is resilient enough that means after you sit on it, it will simply return to its former shape.


Generally, the foam’s capacity to support weight depends on its thickness. As seats take all our weight whether you are sitting on it or simply laying down, proper support is always highly needed. So you can consider Dunlop foam in Northern Beaches which has the perfect thickness and can give you the best support around the clock.

Foam Size

For any kind of indoor or outdoor upholstery project, the right measurement of foam can satisfy you with the best outcome. After selecting the right foam that can give you full comfort and support then ask help from a professional to cut the foam to the required size. Proper height and width of foam will help you to achieve the most desired look of your furniture after upholstery.

If you’ve been so disappointed by your previous furniture upholstery work just because of the wrong foam selection then keep this above mentioned information in your mind. This will surely help you to get the best foam in Northern Beaches or anywhere else for your upcoming upholstery project.

How Do Volunteering Uniquely Contribute to Sustainable Community Development?

Volunteering On A Noble Cause is A Unique Contribution to Sustainable Community Development

Volunteers and their volunteering efforts hold a high form of importance to successfully implementing successful community development agendas. The overall aim of successful community development is to eradicate poverty and promote prosperity. The volunteers make great contributions by properly supporting and enabling the overall aim to eradicate poverty and promote prosperity.

From every walk of progress, the volunteers help in extending the reach of a range of sustainable community development programs. Properly supported schemes through volunteering facilitate better access to services in education, health and similar area to the marginalized, poorest and most vulnerable communities. Such schemes ensure no one is left behind.

Volunteerism distinctly contributes to sustainable community development. The more the volunteers go deep within the communities, the better they build up strong and reciprocal personal as well as working relationships. Both the project owners and the initiators come together to work on a mutual understanding. By sharing their experiences, they contribute to the long-term process to enhance capacity development in the community. All their efforts give rise to culturally and contextually appropriate, effective, respectful and sustainable community development.  

Volunteers are capable of fostering an exchange of skills and knowledge, specifically concerning the appropriate development, civil society and good governance. At the same time, the development goes above the scale on more personal and philosophical levels between the volunteers and the initiators who are their host organizations. It incorporates the volunteers’ extensive cross-cultural experiences and understandings into the way of life and culture of the communities. The entire efforts contribute to positive global transformation.

This approach bridges the gap between the “hard” development outcomes like the count of children increasing in secondary schools along with the softer development outcomes like greater participation and influence of the citizens in the decision-making processes. The volunteers help in building up trust between people. These softer outcomes make the developments more sustainable.

This civic engagement mechanism harnesses the people’s ingenuity in addressing sustainable development challenges and drives positive change. These changes from the light of goodwill are built on the foundation of solidarity, mutual accountability and cooperation.

Volunteerism can be said to be a universal phenomenon even if it does not take place at uniform rates and it is not uniformly effective. Nevertheless, when recognized and supported, it is the strongest. Wherever the governments have set up a conducive environment to foster civic engagement, and particularly for the volunteers to participate, or else the government has been more responsive to volunteer-led community initiatives; there the volunteers are found to be more effective to ensure sustainable community development implementation.

The opportunity to volunteer is a chance for individuals who are impoverished and marginalised, such as minority indigenous peoples, refugees, people with disabilities, and others who are all too frequently on the periphery of society, to transition from being passive recipients to actively participating in development processes. Volunteering is frequently the first step towards a person’s active involvement in their community and empowerment to exercise their rights. Volunteers establish trusting bonds with the residents of their communities, assisting them in finding ways to participate in and direct their own development.