How Should You Take Advantages of Tax Benefits In Retirement Planning?

Making retirement plans is essential to guaranteeing one’s financial stability in the future. Nonetheless, a lot of people are ignorant of the tax advantages that come with making wise planning choices. The main techniques, tax breaks, and advantages that can be used to maximize retirement planning success in Glenorchy, with the help of the tax accountants are described in this blog post.

Tips To Take Advantage of Tax Benefits In Retirement Planning

Recognize Your Tax Basis

Tax accountants emphasize knowing your tax basis in Glenorchy. This is the first step to maximizing potential tax benefits during retirement planning. This involves understanding the current tax rate as well as the distinctions between contributions that are concessional and those that are not.

Employer and/or salary sacrifice contributions are referred to as concessional contributions because they are subject to a reduced tax rate. The tax rate on non-concessional, or after-tax, donations is equal to that of your ordinary income. To plan properly, you must be aware of these distinctions, which will also help you determine whether to contribute pre- or post-tax money to your retirement plans. As much as possible, take help from tax accountants.

Boost Your Contributions to Superannuation

One of the most crucial aspects of retirement planning is maximizing superannuation contributions. Through the utilization of salary sacrifice and/or employer-sponsored concessional contributions, individuals can optimize their retirement savings and minimize their tax liability.

By choosing to make voluntary after-tax contributions, individuals can also benefit from the $27,500 tax-free contribution ceiling. This is a wonderful way for people to continue to take advantage of the tax benefits connected with making contributions to their superannuation account even if they are unable to pay the entire $27,500 tax-free contribution threshold. Here is where you will need the services of tax accountants.

Benefit from Tax Breaks

Taking advantage of government tax advantages is a wonderful approach to maximising tax benefits when it comes to retirement planning. The Low Income Superannuation Tax Offset is one of the tax offsets and deductions provided by the government that can help lower the tax paid on superannuation payments.

Individuals who are over 65 years of age may also benefit from the age pension. There are several benefits the age pension offers, which include access to services and government subsidies, as well as a partial exemption from superannuation income tax.

Strategies Utilization for Tax Planning Under the Guidance Of Tax Accountants 

Tax preparation strategies are crucial components included in retirement planning. These tactics are creating trusts, sacrificing wages, taking advantage of capital gains tax breaks, and estate arrangements. Through proper utilization of these tactics, the overall returns on investment are maximised and the tax paid on retirement income as well as superannuation contributions is minimised. 

Employing the Uses of Retirement Savings Accounts 

To profit from the tax advantages related to retirement planning is through retirement savings accounts, like self-managed superannuation funds. This is indeed an excellent approach to profit. Added to offering varied investment options for guaranteeing long-term success, using these accounts the individuals can take advantage of several tax breaks, along with the $27,500 tax-free contribution ceiling. 

It is easier to completely benefit from the tax advantages connected with retirement planning. Take time to comprehend the different parts of taxes. There is yet another challenge to keep track of all the different tactics and tax advantages, but you can speak with experienced tax accountants for their counsel and advice to ensure you have a prosperous retirement. 

What Are the Types of Tax Property Investment As Explained By Tax Accountants?

From Tax Accountant’s Desk: Types of Tax Property Investment

Complex Australian taxes would lead one to believe that the payment is being made. You know how lucrative real estate investments are, but what is the point if you do not understand what are the tax implications of your investment? You are sure to lose both money and a few of the best possible gains. To help the investors, the Australian government has introduced many tax changes for helping investors. The investors can even avail of many tax-free thresholds and concessions. The rule is the same for all Australian regions, including Glenorchy. It will be possible to enjoy all the benefits just when you learn everything from an experienced and experienced tax accountant.

The Different Types of Taxes Applicable on Property Investment

As the government has introduced, the tax accountants will always help the real investors of Glenorchy to gain full and vivid attention to the different types of taxes on property investment.

1. Stamp Duty Tax

A stamp duty tax is said to be a state-based tax that is imposed on particular transactions. When a real estate investor purchases or transfers an investment property, then it is subjected to stamp duty tax. The amount of payable stamp duty tax is dependent on the state or territory where the property has been bought.

Stamp Duty Tax Rate in a few states might be as high as 6% of its purchasing price. Even stamp duty tax is payable when the real estate investor is refinancing an existing loan or is transferring the property to another entity or person. The tax has to be filled out within a specified period. If the real estate investor fails paying the tax on time, then he/she will face penalties or interest.

2. Land Tax

Property investment land tax is a government-imposed tax on property investments. This taxation form is for those who own multiple properties or have large-scale investments in property. The asset size, the property types, and the location decide the taxes.

The tax rate varies from a flat rate to a graduated rate, as per the jurisdiction. Property investment tax is deemed to be a crucial revenue source for governments since it helps in offsetting the costs of infrastructure, public services as well and other government expenditures.

3. Income Tax

Investment property deductions are subjected to income tax, both at the state and federal. Being aware of their obligations, investors should pay the appropriate taxes on their investment income so they can easily avoid penalties or fines. The investment type, the investor’s tax bracket, and the applicable deductions and available credits define the income tax amount on investment property.

According to the investment type, the investor could take advantage of deductions for mortgage interest along with other expenses. At the time of investment, the investors should understand their tax obligations to ensure they are paying the correct amount.

4. Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax or CGT is the taxation form applied to profits from the assets sale. It is the levied tax on any profit when a purchase has been sold for a higher price. CGT is applicable to asset types which include stocks, real estate, shares, and business assets.

Capital gains on a rental property are most likely to be a complex taxation field. The tax payable amount is dependent on these factors –

  • The asset type
  • Time length for maintenance of investment
  • Tax bracket of the individual.

To reduce the amount of CGT payable, the government has provided a range of allowances like the annual exemption, capital losses, and taper relief.

Through property investment, it is possible to generate wealth and financial freedom. Before you invest in real estate or any other investment form, you should understand the eligibility for types of tax deductions and credits. A tax accountant is capable of helping in building a strategy for investment property as per the ATO laws. Investment property tax returns mean the deductions of the restorations and maintenance costs from the property. Investment property tax accountants are all aware of all tax returns and take into account what is right for their clients. Ultimately, personal circumstances and the rent amount even determine the tax structure for investment property. Capitalizing on these considerations, the tax accountants would help in choosing the best suitable strategy.

When To Seek Guidance from Tax Advisors?

A tax advisor is so-called because the professional is a financial expert having advanced training and knowledge of tax law and tax accounting. Usually, a tax advisor’s services are retained for minimizing the taxes payable while being compliant with the laws in complicated financial situations. Commonly, the tax advisors are the enrolled tax attorneys or financial advisors who are even called tax consultants.

When To Seek Guidance from A Tax Advisor?

Every tax-paying entity in Sandy Bay, like individuals, corporations, partnerships, trusts, and more, would undergo complex financial situations in the form of complex investments and deductions or more. They are liable to seek out the expertise of tax advisors to legally minimize the payable tax amount to the taxing authorities, that is the ATO.

Based on the taxpayer’s situation, a tax advisor’s advice and services will be different. Just like an employee planning for retirement will receive different advice from an entrepreneur working towards setting up a shop. Similarly, a real estate investor’s tax needs will be different from that of a commodity trader, and each will receive different advice from a tax advisor to conduct legitimate business in Sandy Bay.

A  tax advisor will deal differently with a company aiming to merge with or acquire another company, from an estate executor looking forward to estate tax minimization. The professional relationships will both be different.

Since the tax advisors know in depth about the ATO guidelines and tax laws, so the businesses will be able to retain their services for representing the business before tax authorities and courts. The overall effort is to resolve the tax-related issues.

Tax advisors have a clear understanding of the laws regulating individual and business taxes. Therefore, they are instrumental in guiding taxpayers on how should they comply with State, Federal, and Local Tax rules. Tax advisors are always updated on the latest Federal and State law requirements to be effective when advising on current tax topics.

Tax advisors are tasked to discover efficient ways to legally lower tax liability for clients, compute taxes on diverse investment portfolios, and look for the right deductions and applicable credits. Even they prepare and file tax returns for their clients.

For a taxpayer who has faced a major life event, like a spouse’s death, divorce, marriage, childbirth, or adoption, has purchased a new home, lost a job or inheritance, and more such events – the smart move is hiring the tax advisor for their services.

A tax advisor is a financial professional advising on tax minimization strategies of the owed taxes while complying with the law and regulations scope. Being strong in tax law matters of ATO and state tax guidelines, they can guide their clients in the right light.  

What Are the Accounting Procedures Applicable For Different Industries?

The Accounting Procedures Suitable For Different Industries

Whatever the industry in Hobart, the books of accounts should be maintained for all the attached businesses. At the year-end, the business owner should be aware of the financial position. No two industries are the same, so the accounting needs are equally unique and different. The accounting standard that suffices the startups in Hobart, will never be up to the mark for a tech firm or a manufacturing firm.  Hence, tying up with a reputed accounting firm in Hobart is very important for the industries. The highly skilled accountants have the necessary expertise in each industry and are proficient at delivering the best accounting services.  

In this blog, we have given a clear account of the accounting procedures applicable to different industries in Hobart.

1. Accounting Procedures For Small Businesses and Start-Ups

Capital is the main requirement for all start-ups and small businesses. Being in the prior stage and new business, regular tracking of sales, revenues, and expenses is compulsory. Precisely, capital flow maintenance in the business is mandatory to upscale its growth curve.

2. Accounting Procedure for Retail and Manufacturing Industries

The core requirements for manufacturing and retail businesses are inventory management and control. The reason is the entire business is dependent on those sources. Accountants take better care of this special need to deliver the best accounting services.

3. Accounting Procedure for the Service-Based Industries

Accounts receivables and accounts payables together with asset management are the vital requirements of service-based businesses. So, these aspects are to be excellently tracked for efficiently running the business.

4. Accounting Procedure For Tech Firms

Two major concerns for the tech firms in Hobart include payroll management and operating expenses. Mostly, tech firms have to deal with intellectual properties, hence these two aspects provide maximum contribution to shape success.  

With regards to accounting processes and bookkeeping, different standards pertaining to various industry standards. To a great extent, this is specific to the character of the business in question. Good cash flow is common to all types of industries.

Regardless of the industry type in operation, a solid foundation on the fundamental standards of accounting and bookkeeping is imperative to retain. The accountants are equally careful while fulfilling the accounting and bookkeeping processes for different industries.

  • Accounting and Bookkeeping Processes For Start-ups And Small Businesses

The business owner’s equity is closely interrelated in the start-ups, which is to be monitored. On the other hand, the small businesses that started with the business owner’s savings might not first get any investors. In both these cases, capital growth is of immense importance.

  • Accounting and Bookkeeping Processes For Technology Firms

Technology firms could contain lesser fixed assets for monitoring since a large amount of their work is conducted in the Cloud or computers. This clearly implies the bookkeepers have to concentrate a lot on overseeing working costs along with the employees’ salaries.

  • Accounting and Bookkeeping Processes For Service-Based Firms

The services-based companies, say the law firms will be spending their additional time creating non-paid invoice collection that impacts the accounting and bookkeeping process.

  • Accounting and Bookkeeping Processes For Construction Industries

The construction industry can be said to be the sector where accounting is a must for large sums of money and different new raw materials on the books. It is a clear implication that bookkeepers and accountants have to spend additional time handling the inventory, in comparison to other industries. Wholesalers are another industry wherein additional time should be invested in the inventory.

Besides, all the stated requirements, the frequent need for cash flow is true for all industries. Unless good cash flow has been activated, good industries can’t survive in the competitive market.  Hence, cash flow maintenance is the most significant factor for any business operating in any industry.

An accounting procedure is thus a standardized process used for performing accounting functions. The accounting procedures have been designed for efficiently completing a function and incorporating sufficient controls for mitigating the risk of loss.

Business Advice from Accountants: When And Where To Sell Business?

Follow Business Advice From Accountants On Where And Where You Should Sell Your Business

Getting ready to sell your company? Where and how to begin? It might be stressful to sell your business. Here’s how an accountant who specializes in business appraisal may position you for a successful sale.

Getting Ready To Sell Your Business!

You might be one of the company owners eager to hand over the keys for the right price if you’re ready for a change or retirement after the pandemic. On Commercial Real Estate, more than 19,000 Australian businesses are up for sale.

To value your firm for sale is the first step. It may be difficult to arrive at a valuation using covid-affected financials; data may not precisely predict future performance. You should be able to arrive at a reasonable valuation using forecasting models influenced by external economic data, due diligence, and a focus on present cash flow.

It’s time to get started once you have a sales target in mind. Now let’s look at the business advice from the best accountants regarding your business sale in Hobart:

  • When and where to sell your business
  • The important steps in the business sale process;
  • how to sell as a joint owner; 
  • how a business valuation accountant may promote a better business sale.

Where To Sell Your Business?

Uncertain about where to sell your company? You can choose from a few options as advised by business accountants:

  1. Ask A Business Broker To Represent You

Brokers work to obtain you the greatest price, make sure the transaction is legal, and reduce any stress associated with the sale. Most brokers take a commission of roughly 10% in addition to an upfront fee. Do your homework to learn about their procedures, costs, and unique industry expertise.

2. Use Technology To Perform The Task Yourself

But be aware that you will be exchanging the broker commission savings for your own time and effort. If you’re going it alone, you’ll need to organize your finances, run web ads, respond to inquiries, and set up a contract of sale with your lawyer and accountant for business appraisal.

Your business type, industry, and contacts will choose where to advertise. Think of these channels:

  • Social media, especially if you have an active following;
  • Digital marketplaces including Commercial Real Estate and SEEK Business
  • Platforms and publications for the industry
  • Pre-existing networks, such as those of family, friends, coworkers, and clients

When To Sell Your Business?

When putting your business on the market, timing is important. Every sector has its highs and lows, just as winter is the ideal time to sell coats. Think about these elements:

  • Seasonal patterns
  • Your cash flow and financial history
  • The local economy, especially the cash rate status
  • Industry-specific happenings
  • Competitor movement

Selling Business As A Joint Owner

Selling when you jointly own the company with someone else is more complicated. If possible, you should have a shareholder or partnership agreement in place that spells out: 

  • How many portions of the company each of you are owning;
  • What would happen if one of the members decides to leave;
  • The procedure for mediation in the event of a dispute.

What happens if you want to sell but your partner doesn’t, if that’s the case? Decision-making will probably fall to you if you own 95% of the company and your spouse owns only 5%. The situation can become more complicated if you have an equal or minority stake.

Determine the value of your share of the company first. Determine who owns what and what needs to be factored into the total assessment if there are assets involved.

Then, you have a few choices for selling your share:

  1. Your partner buys out your ownership stake in the company and takes over as the sole proprietor.
  2. You offer your share of the company to a different buyer.

When handling the sale of your firm, it’s a good idea to collaborate with a lawyer and an accountant who specializes in business appraisal. Together, they carry out due diligence and make sure you are aware of your responsibilities, including any non-compete agreements, skill transfers, and handover expectations.  

The Method Of Selling A Business Firm, Step By Step

  • Define your sales strategy, stating your target pricing as well as the manner and timing of your sales.
  • Use the outlets that are most appropriate to promote your company.
  • Sort through your papers, including your tax, loan, and bank statements.
  • Negotiate the purchase price, the sale’s timing, any non-compete agreements, and the hiring terms.
  • Purchase a contract of sale from a specialist that addresses problem-solving.
  • Inform your staff of the effects of the sale.
  • Depending on the terms set forth, exchange funds on the settlement date.
  • Transfer lease contracts, authorizations, authorizations, assets, etc.
  • Transferring the company’s directorship in writing ensures the transfer of liability.
  • Notify customers, the government, and other parties of the sale.

How Can An Accountant For Business Appraisal Help With A Successful Business Sale?

Even if you opt to do everything yourself, a competent accountant is essential to a successful business sale. How can they assist?

  • Prioritize Your Terms For Negotiating the Best Price –

Are you confused about how to value your company or what price to aim for? An accountant can perform a detailed value calculation that allows for a sales price that is higher than you might have anticipated.

  • Keep The Assets You Desire –

Desire to sell your company but keep ownership of the real estate, infrastructure, or intellectual property? To support your intended conclusion, an accountant can assist you in navigating through these complications.

  • Choose The Best Sale Structure  

Should you go through a joint partner sale or should you undertake a staggered takeover? An accountant can explain your options and make sure you comply with the rules.

  • After You Sell, Make Prudent Investments

What will you do with the money? Maybe you have some debt to pay off, or maybe you’re prepared to make your next investment. You can investigate your financial choices with the aid of an accountant, ensuring that you make the most of your recently increased bank balance.

Avoid going it alone. Even the simplest business transaction can be stressful. Partner with a reputable business valuation accountant who can create a thoughtful sales strategy to position yourself for success. You can find the greatest deal, remain on top of complications and compliance, and spend the funds wisely with the help of expert assistance.

What Do the Accountants Advice The Business Owners In Hobart

Having the advice of an experienced accountant is crucial when it comes to managing a profitable business. Accounting professionals are essential in assisting organizations with financial management, profit optimization, and legal and tax compliance. Business owners in Hobart, where entrepreneurship is blooming, can gain a lot from the accountants’ professional assistance. We’ll talk about some crucial business advice accountants have for Hobart business owners in this blog.

1. Establish and Maintain Accurate Financial Records 

Keeping accurate financial records is one of the key components of managing a successful business. Business owners are advised by accountants to adopt strict accounting procedures that involve accurately documenting all income, expenses, and other financial activities. Business owners may make informed decisions, understand their financial situation clearly, and ensure compliance with tax and reporting laws by maintaining comprehensive records.

2. Track And Manage Cash Flow 

A company’s financial stability depends on effective cash flow management. Accountants emphasise the significance of consistently tracking cash inputs and outflows to guarantee adequate liquidity. To keep a healthy cash flow cycle, they advise developing cash flow predictions, examining payment arrangements with suppliers, and putting in place credit control mechanisms. Businesses can avoid needless debt, seek growth possibilities, and overcome unforeseen problems by carefully managing their cash flow.

3. Use Tax Planning Techniques 

Accountants are knowledgeable about tax laws and rules applicable in Hobart. They offer tax planning advice to business owners on how to legally reduce tax payments. Businesses can drastically lower their tax obligations by locating and utilizing available tax deductions and incentives. Accountants can also offer advice on how to structure financial transactions and business investments to minimize taxes and maximize after-tax earnings.

4. Put Financial Analysis And Reporting Into Practice

Accountants stress the value of ongoing financial reporting and analysis for business owners. Businesses can get useful insights into their performance, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make data-driven choices by producing timely and accurate financial reports. Accountants can aid in the interpretation of these reports and offer insightful guidance on profitability, effectiveness, and solvency.

5. Seek Professional Advice for Business Expansion 

Accountants advise entrepreneurs in Hobart to take advantage of their knowledge and seek out expert counsel when pursuing business expansion. Accounting professionals can help with investment analysis, capital budgeting, and financial forecasts. By utilizing their advice, business owners may more accurately assess development prospects, assess risk concerns, and create expansion strategies that are consistent with their financial goals.

When it comes to managing finances, navigating complex tax laws, and promoting business success, accountants’ advice and direction are priceless for business owners in Hobart. Business owners can position themselves for long-term growth and prosperity by keeping correct financial records, keeping an eye on cash flow, utilizing tax planning tactics, putting financial analysis and reporting into practice, and getting professional assistance. Employing the knowledge of accountants guaranty that companies in Hobart have the resources and direction required to make wise financial decisions.

How Useful Is QuickBooks In Bookkeeping Services?

How Does QuickBooks Help in Bookkeeping Services?

Delivering bookkeeping services using cloud accounting is a viable option. The accounting sector has undergone a full revolution thanks to accounting software. One of the most well-known and commonly used accounting software products in the world is Quickbooks Bookkeeping. It is ideal for every small business in Hobart and aids in controlling income and expenses as well as monitoring financial health. It is possible to prepare taxes, invoice customers, pay invoices, and generate reports.

QuickBooks provides a range of services, including QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks Desktop, and QuickBooks Time, to address different business needs. Numerous features of QuickBooks aid in streamlining the accounting process, which makes it easier for accountants and bookkeepers to fulfil the bookkeeping services for their B2B clients in Hobart.

How Can QuickBooks Assist With Keeping Books?  

1. Making and Keeping Track of Invoices

The process of creating invoices from scratch or an estimate is streamlined by bookkeeping in Quickbooks. You may keep track of the number of unpaid invoices as well as account receivables & payables, and you can mail, print, or send hard copies of invoices to clients. The invoice can be altered to contain your brand’s logo and the desired results.

2. Payroll Administration

You shouldn’t attempt to complete payroll entirely manually. Payroll mistakes may result in severe fines and irate workers. The separate payroll function in QuickBooks allows you to run payroll as frequently as necessary and calculate it as well. It’s simple to use QuickBooks payroll as a full-service or self-service option in bookkeeping services.

3. Save All Receipts And Bills For Better Organization

By connecting your bank and credit card accounts to QuickBooks, which downloads and categorises all of your expenses, QuickBooks automatically keeps track of your spending and bills. Additionally, the reports that are generated by this accounting software can be used to study your spending patterns, and you can use QuickBooks to keep track of upcoming payments. It also supports bookkeeping for small businesses in Hobart by keeping track of and comparing timesheets.  

4. Online Dealings

QuickBooks does offer an online bill payment feature that lets small businesses in Hobart quickly and easily negotiate or pay several invoices simultaneously using a credit card, software, or bank transfer. A steady positive cash flow can be managed with the help of this function, which minimizes data entering. Hence, a boon to bookkeeping services.

5. Simplify Tax Filing

Making tax time simpler is QuickBooks’ most potent tool for your small business. Curating your earnings and expenses is by far the hardest part of preparing a tax return. You only need to download your financial statements around tax time if you utilize QuickBooks all year. You might give your tax accountant direct access to your account using QuickBooks Online, enabling them to review your financial information and print any necessary information for preparing your return.

QuickBooks is cloud accounting software that lets you meet tax responsibilities while keeping real-time records of accounting activities like income and expenditures, employee expenses, and inventory. When your finances are stable, you can focus on encouraging business growth and income. So, entrust the bookkeepers for bookkeeping assistance.

How To Use Tax System Downsizer Super Contribution for Maximizing Super Fund?

Tax Consultation On Using Tax System Downsizer Super Contribution and Maximize Super Fund

If you contribute more to your superannuation than a predetermined amount, tax law imposes penalty taxes.  And if you make a Downsizer Super Contribution, that is one of the exclusions to the excess non-concessional contributions tax triggering.  

Someone can improve their SMSF balance by carefully and successfully utilizing the Downsizer Super Contribution tax exemption. The ultimate goal is to increase the family’s ability to generate revenue that isn’t subject to taxes. To move in the right direction, one has to take guidance from the taxation consulting professionals licensed in Hobart.

The Downsizer Super Contribution is a legal provision found in Section 292-102 of the 1997 Tax Act. The 1997 Tax Act only contains one section, however, it contains more than 1200 words. Planning your family and succession accordingly requires a thorough understanding of tax law and how the Tax Act handles the Downsizer Super Contribution.

As explained by the taxation consulting specialists to the citizens of Hobart, the Small Business CGT Concessions, which are a part of the tax code as well, are another simple approach to growing your SMSF.  Of course, SMSFs have advantages and disadvantages of their own. The Downsizer Super Contribution applies to both SMSFs and regular superannuation funds.

For Whom Is The Downsizer Super Contribution Available?

You must have sold a property, taken advantage of the tax-free sale of the home under Subdivision 118 of the 1997 Act, and owned the home for 10 years to qualify for the Downsizer Super Contribution.

You also qualify if you owned the property before the implementation of capital gains tax and the sole reason it is not exempt from taxation under Subdivision 118 is because capital gains tax does not apply.

And if Subdivision 118 only partially exempts the home, you can still be eligible for the Downsizer payment to the extent of that partial exemption.  

Taxation consulting professionals are of the view you should always have clear tax guidance (or legal advice), outlining your entrance path into the Downsizer Super Contribution, to properly comprehend and handle the Downsizer Super Contributions.  

Additionally, to contribute, you must be older than 60.  Additionally, the age will be lowered to 55 as of July 1, 2023.

Your Total Superannuation Balance Is Not Affected By The Contributions.

You are prohibited from making additional contributions to your fund if your total superannuation balance reaches $1.7 million.  The ATO will permit you to withdraw the amount over the threshold if you go over it, or you can pay the excess non-concessional contributions tax (which is very hefty) in the fund instead.  

However, you can donate that much without being charged the excess non-concessional contributions tax if you make a Downsizer Super Contribution. Your transfer balance cap will not be raised by the Downsizer Super Contribution, though.

No Need To Purchase A New House

Nothing in the tax code mandates that you have to buy a brand-new house to qualify for the benefits.  Therefore, even while the exemption is known as a “Downsizer” in tax law, it might alternatively be called a “Homeless” exemption.

To qualify for the principal residence exemption, you simply need to have owned the property for ten years.

This creates possibilities for tax structuring.  To maximise income taxation, the selling proceeds of the family property could be transferred to the SMSF (or super fund).  And if a new family home is being purchased, the investment assets outside of the SMSF, which are subject to higher taxes, could be used to pay for it.

There Is No Restriction On Age Or Requirement For Employment

You are not subject to an age requirement or a work test, unlike in other areas of tax law, to benefit from the tax break. In the words of taxation consulting experts, the superannuation laws typically make it difficult for those over 75 to make contributions to their superannuation.  And one method that those over 75 can continue to make contributions to their SMSF is under the Downsizer regulations. This may be useful, for instance, if a family enters an assisted living facility.

It Only Occurs Once

According to the taxation consulting advisors, you can take advantage of the Downsizer super donation only once.  

Related Party Transfers Are Unsuccessful

Tax laws may be applicable if you sell a house for nothing to a connected person to alter the sale proceeds to their market value.  These market value substitution criteria, however, will not apply to the Downsizer Super Contribution requirements. Therefore, it won’t be a wise tax move to give the family home to a child for free and then try to grow your SMSF balance.  

The Gift Is Useful For Estate Planning

Tax advisors frequently provide taxation consulting advice on the hidden death benefits tax in superannuation funds.  Nevertheless, a Downsizer Super Contribution is not subjecting the estate or the superannuation beneficiaries to taxing upon death.

There Are Definite Deadlines

Your Super Contribution (up to $300,000) must be made within 90 days of receiving the sale’s cash proceeds.  You must also submit the appropriate form to the ATO to notify them of the contribution.

You Don’t Have To Be The Homeowner

You may donate from the capital gain if your spouse was the owner of the family home.  A family can only have one main residence exempt from taxes, so choosing to put the family home in your spouse’s name (for example, for asset protection purposes) won’t prevent you from using the tax break from the Downsizer Super Contribution.

Remember The Age Pension 

Keep in mind that while determining your eligibility for the age pension, Age Pension Services Australia (Centrelink) currently excludes the family residence from the assets test.  Additionally, your assets subject to age pension testing will now increase if you sell the family home and make financial contributions to your super fund.  As a result, your age pension may be reduced. So it becomes sense to get sound counsel regarding the plan.   

Investment Guidance Is Necessary

Getting investing advice is a good idea even if the Downsizer Super Contribution is administered by the ATO and is governed by tax law. It serves no purpose to receive excellent tax advice from your tax advisor, structure your family’s affairs tax efficiently, and then lose your investment money due to bad (or no) investment advice. Therefore, discussing an investing strategy with a personal financial product advisor is always a good idea.

ATO might have allowed the citizens to utilize certain lawful schemes to streamline tax payments. But, the strict line of action is ATO can issue a legal notice if the schemes are not followed lawfully. So, to make proper use of Downsizer Super Contribution best is to turn up to taxation consulting professionals.