How To Protect Your Upholstery Foam From Environmental Damage?

Upholsteries are used to decorate and make a space comfy for everyone. Be it indoor or outdoor. Adding upholstery can completely change the look of your living space. While placing an upholstery in your open space, you have to keep certain things in mind. One of the most prominent things that you must keep in mind is how important it is to protect the foam of your upholstery from environmental damage. This is how you can protect your upholstery foam from the weather in Northern Beaches. Here’s how to save your upholstery foam from further environmental damage:

Try Not To Expose It To UV Rays Too Much:

Even when you are placing your upholstery outside try to find a spot that is somewhat shaded from the direct sun rays. Sun rays contain UV rays which can penetrate within the foam and cause it to deteriorate in thickness. This will impact the quality of your outdoor upholstery. Thus, when installing your outdoor upholstery in your Northern Beaches property try to pick a spot that doesn’t receive a lot of sun rays. You can use an upholstery covering that offers UV protection to save the foam from UV rays.


Foam-like sponge tends to soak water and is not easy to dry. When you are placing an upholstery with foam seating outside, try to pick a foam for upholstery that is resistant to water. Ask for a water-resistant foam from an upholstery maker in Northern Beaches. It will repel rainwater and ensure stored rainwater doesn’t cause mould and mildew growth. 

Use Good Quality Covers:

When you use a good quality upholstery cover to protect the foam against environmental damage, it can remain looking new for a long time. Upholstery cover also helps to prevent dirt and dust from collecting on the foam. It also helps to protect the foam from spills, stains, and other forms of damage. Finally, it adds a layer of comfort to the furniture.

These are some of the ways using which you can protect your upholstery foam from environmental damage. By covering any exposed foam with a cloth or other fabric. Keep your upholstery away from sources of heat and humidity. Clean and vacuum regularly to prevent dust and dirt build-up.

4 Effective Tips To Keep Your Boat Upholstery In Pristine Condition

How To Maintain Your Boat Upholstery Properly?

It goes without saying how a perfect boat seat can give you the best level of comfort. In case your boat upholstery is dealing with cracks, stains, and holes nowadays then it can decrease the value of your boat. Before diving into reupholstering project you can follow some quick and effective tips to maintain your boat seat. Here are some surefire tips that will help you safeguard your marine seat from fading, cracking, mould problem and many more. Let’s go over how you can keep your boat upholstery in good condition –

Keep It Neat & Clean

Cleaning is the most common and most necessary step. When dirt and grime covered the entire boat seat then the chances of cracking  become high. That’s why cleaning is quite effective to eliminate this dirt and grime build-up problem. Add some gentle cleaning product to warm water and use a soapy rag to clean your boat upholstery. On this note, try to avoid harsh chemicals that can damage your boat seat.

Protect Your Boat Seat

Do you know how much a marine vinyl protectant can help you to prevent cracking and fading? A marine vinyl protectant is specially made for marine seats just to protect them from harmful UV rays and keeps the vinyl soft and smooth. By using this effective marine protectant you will get a chance to safeguard your boat upholstery from harmful sun rays that can cause fading.

Cover It Up 

This may sound simple but this step has a huge impact on keeping your boat upholstery in pristine condition. When you are not using your marine for a long time, then try to cover it up with a boat seat cover or just with a soft towel. It keeps your boat upholstery out of the direct sun rays and also helps you keep your boat seat dry as much as possible.

Keep Your Boat Seat Dry

People sometimes look over this point when it comes to maintaining their boat upholstery. Keeping your marine seat dry is as important as cleaning. After cleaning your marine seat make sure to wipe off the seat just to keep it dry. This step will help you to keep away moisture from getting trapped and also prevent mould and mildew growth.

These are the effective tips that can help you to keep your boat seat in pristine condition. So without wasting any time take some actionable steps and enjoy your leisure time with your loved one on the water.

How To Keep Your Marine Upholstery Looking Brand New 

Your marine seating is the only thing that offers full comfort during the entire boating journey. It not only provides utmost comfort but also reflects the style sense of a boat owner. Whatever the style of your marine seating is retro, classic or modern, it must look neat and clean. On this note, keeping your marine upholstery in Northern Beaches or any other place in good condition is absolutely not a tough job as it sounds. To make your marine seating even more luxurious you can follow these below-mentioned effective tips, let’s have a look- 

Follow The Proper Cleaning Schedule

Nowadays the material or the fabric that comes with marine upholstery in Northern Beaches doesn’t require that much cleaning. Still following a proper cleaning schedule can help you to keep it in good condition. Try to hose it at least once a month to eliminate any dirt and debris buildup.

Use The Right Cleaning Tools

Whenever you are cleaning your marine upholstery make sure you are using the right tools and right cleaning materials to address tough stains. Gentle soap, clean water and a soft towel together work best for treating dirt and grime. Try to avoid harsh cleaning products that can damage the surface and also avoid using hard bristles on your vinyl.

Manage Pinking

Sometimes removing pinking from your boat seating can be very hard. Creating a barrier for airflow between your marine seating and the marine cover is a great way to deal with pinking. Another way to prevent pinking is clean your marine seating as soon as possible when you found any mould and mildew. 

Protect Your Vinyl 

Try to cover your marine seating when you are not using it, this is a great way to maintain its longevity. Although the fabric that comes with marine upholstery can withstand any type of harsh weather conditions still try to cover it with some marine seating cover. If you don’t have any particular marine seating cover you can simply use soft towels.

Now you have a clear knowledge of marine upholstery maintenance. So without wasting any time take some actionable steps to maintain your marine seating. In case you want to know more about it then you can contact some marine upholstery professionals in Northern Beaches or anywhere you want. 

4 Amazing Tips To Style Your Favourite Outdoor Daybed

How To Style Your Favourite Outdoor Daybed

From morning brekkie to evening snacks, one can enjoy a whole day just sitting on a perfect yet comfortable outdoor daybed. But when it comes to styling a daybed in Northern Beaches or any other place then there are a lot of people who are unable to make up their minds about what to choose and how to choose. But styling your outdoor daybed is absolutely not a stressful or confusing job. Here are some amazing tips that can help you to style your favourite daybed, let’s have a look –

Choose Appealing Fabrics

Fabrics have a positive relation with styling your daybed. There is an extensive range of fabrics available in the market that offers aesthetic pleasure. On the other hand, a wrong selection of fabric can simply brings down the whole look of your daybed. So you can pick up the best one for your outdoor daybed that suits perfectly your outdoor decor.

Make The Daybed Cozy

Comfort is something that nobody wants to compromise when it comes to daybeds. On this note, choosing the right foam for your outdoor daybed can give you that desired comfort. So if your existing daybed is unable to give you the full comfort then you can consider outdoor daybed upholstery services in Northern Beaches just to make your daybed more cozy and relaxing.

Add Some Lovely Cushions

After selecting the right foam and best-suited fabric if you still feel like your outdoor daybed is missing out on something then adding some lovely cushions is the best solution for you. You can select some quality cushions keeping your daybed’s fabric in mind so that both look perfect with each other and can also complement your daybed in a great way. 

Matching Extension Pieces 

You can make your outdoor space more functional and can also enhance the look of your daybed by adding some matching extension pieces. On this note, you can try some outdoor club chairs, a coffee table or an outdoor dining set to make your outdoor daybed look complete and appealing. 

Hope you get a clear idea about how to take the look and feel of your outdoor daybed to the next level. So keep these good points in your mind and take some actionable steps to make your outdoor daybed in Northern Beaches or any other place more stylish, comfortable and appealing. 

4 Tips To Choose The Right Foam For Your Upholstery Project

How To Select The Right Foam For Your Upholstery Project?

Selecting the right seating foam for any upholstery project is sometimes based on personal preference or else specific requirements. Since there is a wide range of foam available in the market, it might seem difficult for anyone to choose the correct foam for any valuable upholstery project. To achieve the most desired and luxurious feel there is some notable factor that you need to keep in your mind before choosing the right foam. Let’s have a look at it-


Comfort is the first and most important thing that everyone looks for while selecting the foam for any upholstery project. One can experience more comfort if the foam is perfectly soft. There is no doubt that Dunlop foam in Northern Beaches is an excellent choice to add more comfort to your seating furniture. On this note, you can also go for a ‘sit test’ to understand the specific foam’s comfort.


If you want to get something for your upholstery project that is going to stand the test of time then pay some extra attention to foam’s density. The foam density is nothing but to make it more resilient. If the foam is resilient enough that means after you sit on it, it will simply return to its former shape.


Generally, the foam’s capacity to support weight depends on its thickness. As seats take all our weight whether you are sitting on it or simply laying down, proper support is always highly needed. So you can consider Dunlop foam in Northern Beaches which has the perfect thickness and can give you the best support around the clock.

Foam Size

For any kind of indoor or outdoor upholstery project, the right measurement of foam can satisfy you with the best outcome. After selecting the right foam that can give you full comfort and support then ask help from a professional to cut the foam to the required size. Proper height and width of foam will help you to achieve the most desired look of your furniture after upholstery.

If you’ve been so disappointed by your previous furniture upholstery work just because of the wrong foam selection then keep this above mentioned information in your mind. This will surely help you to get the best foam in Northern Beaches or anywhere else for your upcoming upholstery project.